New Developments
Since 2009, Karebe Gold Mining Limited (KGML) has re-opened three dormant mines in the region, closing one recently. KGML is currently focussed on the development of underground operations at its existing two mines and extending our resource base within the known strike.
Given the local terrain and challenges with drilling out a resource in a quartz hosted vein deposit the company has been unable to undertake widespread diamond drilling. Focused exploration drilling has unearthed encouraging results which will require follow up drilling in future. The company’s focus has primarily been on developing underground exploration efforts through sinking exploratory shafts, adits and drives in order to increase the long-term development of the mining operation.
KGML is committed to further exploration in the region to continue to grow the portfolio of mines that it operates. This is likely to take the form of wide spread soil and rock chip sampling, stream sediment sampling, geochemistry and other relevant exploration methods in order to try and identify other economic mineralised structures within the license area.